Monday, August 30, 2010

Still Life Workshop

This demonstration photo from the recent still life workshop at the San Bernardino County Museum was to illustrate composition, lighting and camera viewpoint. All of these things are critical in producing an eye catching and aesthetically pleasing image.

Monday, July 26, 2010

Jonathon Corbridge

Jonathon Corbridge was also a participant in our first "Photography Made Simple" workshop at the museum, along with his son Taylor. Jonathan's discerning eye discovered three interesting and powerful viewpoints in the outdoor mining exhibit. They all display a dynamic use of lighting, composition, and cropping.

Jolene Redvale & Taylor Corbridge

These first three photographs were made by Jolene Redvale, Curator of Education at the San Bernardino County Museum. No matter how many times that you may visit the museum, there is always something new to be discovered. Viewing and recording the world through your camera helps to reveal things we may normally miss.

Saturday, July 24, 2010

The next three images are from the portfolio of Taylor Corbridge, a young photographer from Redlands. Taylor was a participant in our first photo workshop at the San Bernardino County Museum, and his work displays a very fresh experimental approach.The sepia clock reminds me of the surreal time change scene from the early film version of Scrooge, starring Alastair Sims. The black and white typographical image has a strong and interesting composition, and what appears to be a close up of a butchers apron, reminds me of the paintings of the Pop-Art artist, Bridget Riley.